Prints & NFT Gallery - ANIMALS
Hello and welcome to my nft photo & prints gallery
my name is yonatan i make photos for 20 years now
i work as a professional photographer and videographer for videoclips music shows and weddings, animals are everywhere and i always find myself communicatig with animals all around and make a lot of photography trips in nature and also in the streets around the world
i have archive of photos and i will be realeasing collections for prints and digital ownership with rights of use
the first collection is ANIMALS with 100 photos of 1/1 nft
the next collection will be for STREET
the collections are avilable here:
photos are shipped worldwide
A4 - 250 nis
30-40 - 500 nis
50-70 - 1500 nis
1/1 nft included with print
Medium 30x40 - 500
Big 50x70 - 1500
1/1 nft + shipping included